
True and False

  Have you ever measured what you say and do? Think of the two sides of the scale as true and false . If we look at it that way, we need both truth and falsehood to balance our lives, right? But there is a story, isn't there, that if you tell one lie, you have to tell a thousand more lies to cover it up? Then the yardsticks will be out of balance . Can't we balance it with the truth ? It is possible, but I don't know what the response of the person asking will be. Does it matter to us? I don't think so. Tell the truth but don't pretend to accept it. will accept Truth will prevail.

Is Time an Illusion?

  Is the world you live in real? Don't you think we are stuck somewhere? Don't you think that almost every day we do the same few things from the moment we wake up in the morning? we are in the same place But something is moving. That moving thing can be said to be time . Does time move forward? Or backwards? Have you ever thought that? Or is it still just about the time you travel? If there is one illusion in this world, the most important one is time .

The Never-Ending End

 Something begins with an end in hand. But what would have been the end we say? I only know about myself. But I'm learning about you. But that study never ends . Would you like to learn about me? Can you do it and see the finish? often we delude ourselves that this end . But even after that ending, many more things are going to happen. So I say responsibly there is no end to the end .